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Afrikan Party

Program A

Jan 5—7, 2024

Supa Rich Kids by Oulouy
Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Spain

Tickets for Program A: Afrikan Party are Pay-What-You-Wish, ranging from $15 to $120 per ticket.

Run time: 60 minutes

Celebrate the multitude of street dance movements emerging from New York City and beyond with Motion/Matter: Street Dance Festival, featuring legendary DJs, epic battles, and concert dance premieres.

Oulouy and his crew Supa Rich Kids invite you to a celebration of life, highlighting each milestone in an African child’s journey from birth to death through dance, theater, and fashion.

Afrikan Party is a futuristic ode to Africa seen through the eyes of an African child born in the year 2090 and raised in the United States of Afrika. It is a celebration of the countless cultures, traditions, and rituals connecting this child to his past, his present and his future. An open window to an infinite field of possibilities for new generations. Join the party and experience the rich, multicolored, polyphony of the African continent through the eyes of a child in this kinetic swirl of street dance, mime, performance, and fashion.

Afrikan Party photo: Africa Moment and Édgar de Melo.


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